Pekin, IL

Pekin, IL

Appraisals in Pekin

If you are buying or selling real estate in Pekin, IL, you will likely need the services of a licensed and accredited real estate appraisal company. While you have a variety of options, Campbell Appraisals is one of the best in the area. We provide a number of quality services to our clients and would be happy to provide you with an accurate appraisal for your transaction.

Pekin, IL

What’s included in an appraisal?

While real estate appraisals differ depending on the piece of property being evaluated, most include a valuation estimate, explanation of how the property value was determined, information on the size and condition of the property, statements regarding any serious issues, a comparative market analysis, and recent market trends.

Real estate appraisals are usually conducted in one of two ways. The first method is known as the “sales comparison approach” and uses similar homes to develop an estimate. The analysis considers three to four homes in the area that are comparable in square footage, style, age, and location. The second method is known as “cost approach” and is commonly used for newer homes in Pekin, IL. This method calculates the reproduction cost of a home and accounts for land value, depreciation, and other factors.

Pekin, IL

What’s Considered?

Real estate appraisals often consider a wide variety of information. As mentioned, comparables are a major factor, but there are many more. Things like property size, exterior condition, interior condition, improvements, and extra features are all taken into account.

Choose Campbell Real Estate Appraisals

If you live in Pekin, IL and need a real estate appraisal, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. At Campbell Appraisals, we also offer services in Peoria County, Tazwell County and Woodford County (including Peoria, IL, Morton, IL, Washington, IL, and East Peoria, IL). Contact us today.We would be happy to explain exactly how our real estate appraisal services work.